Brahma Kamal flower Full blooming

The Brahma Kamal plant found in Himalayas are extremely rare and are famous not only for their beauty but also for their role in traditional medicine ,it is considered very lucky if u see it bloom.

Simple Tips to manage Stress

Please watch this video for some Stress Buster tips to win over Stress and Anxiety

Beautiful Rose Flowers Colors And Senses

We Humans are very attached to flowers. The Flowers play a very vital, beautiful, blooming role in our lives, especially Rose flowers, there are many colors in Roses and each color means something else. Please watch the video and know their senses.

How to write a good resume ?

This video is about how to write a good resume for freshers and experienced job seekers , few tips and tricks are covered for building a good resume

Sap Ariba Overview

Watch the video and understand the basics of Sap Ariba Procure To Pay Process

iOS Application Development

Watch the video and know the basics of iOS Application development


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